Monday, December 22, 2014

ZoZo Story ( Unknown Author )" WHO OR WHAT IS IT? "

(Photo: Christina Woods Robertson ) 

What is this Zozo? Supposedly, the three-headed dog demon that guards the gates of Hell has a tattoo on its forehead that spells Zoso. Also, Zozo is a term Aleister Crowley claimed meant "666." Jimmy Page of the rock group Led Zepplein also used Zoso as a symbol on the Zepplein 4 album. Could Zozo and Zoso be connected somehow? How can so many different people from so many different parts of the world somehow lie about this Zozo spirit? And if they aren't lying, than how can we explain these visitations by this wicked entity?

Is Zozo the Devil himself? Or a wayward demon who has the power to manifest itself wherever and whenever it is called?

Heed my warnings, people: If you are playing around with a Ouija board and you jokingly ask it if it has a name and it spells Zozo, close the session properly, cleanse the house, and never -- I repeat, NEVER ask it again. And if you are brave enough to carry on conversations with this spirit, do not antagonize it or act on its directions.

I know what I have seen, and I know other people have also come into contact with this spirit. It is dangerous beyond words. I realize not every session results in negativity, but when you play with this Zozo you are playing with fire. Everything I have described here is true, and I am not exaggerating one bit. It may take me years, but I do intend on writing a book about this, as I have many more stories that I do not have time to mention here. They all stem from true events that took place while talking to this Zozo.

Folks, I have been told by people wiser than myself that the spirit world is "more real" than this world of so-called reality. Ouija boards can cause many bad things to happen in your life. Maintain an open mind, and most of all... be careful!

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